How You Can Start Learning Blockchain and Ethereum Development Using Books

Ragib Shahariar Ayon
3 min readOct 10, 2021

Blockchain is one of the modern world’s most disruptive technologies. Finding good guidelines and up-to-date lessons is like hunting for a needle in a haystack, as it is a relatively new technology. I’ve always preferred reading books to watching lessons. In today’s article, I would like to share a few of the books I’ve read and continue to read.

Blockchain For Dummies 2nd Edition by Tiana Laurence

Blockchain For Dummies is a quick introduction to the fundamentals of blockchain technology. It will assist you in comprehending all technical and non-technical jargon and make you understand what blockchain can and cannot do.

Blockchain in Action by Bina Ramamurthy

Blockchain in Action is written in a clear, jargon-free style and teaches you how to design and build blockchain-based decentralized apps. Part 3 of this book, A Roadmap, and the Road Ahead, was my favorite; it will help you think about how you can revolutionalize the world using blockchain.

Hands-On Smart Contract Development with Solidity and Ethereum: From Fundamentals to Deployment by Kevin Solorio, Randall Kanna, David H. Hoover

I have always been fond of O’Reilly media’s hands-on series as these help you to build projects from scratch, which you can showcase in your portfolios too.

They have created a Fundraiser Application with a factory pattern using truffle, react, solidity. These will help you to learn most of the tools we use daily.

Mastering Ethereum: Building Smart Contracts and DApps by Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Gavin Wood

Andreas M. Antonopoulos and Gavin Wood provide everything you need to know about building smart contracts and DApps on Ethereum and other virtual-machine blockchains in this practical guide. I liked the Ethereum Clients, Wallets, Smart Contract Security and Ethereum Fork History section of this book.

To summarize, there is no set pattern for studying these books; the majority of the topics are similar, but the writing style and granularity of information vary. If you’re short on time but also a complete beginner, I recommend starting with Blockchain For Dummies, then Hands-On Smart Contract Development, and finally Mastering Ethereum. You may omit Blockchain in Action. If you have the time and desire to learn more deeply, I recommend beginning with Blockchain For Dummies, then Mastering Ethereum, Hands-On Smart Contract Development, and Blockchain in Action.

The blockchain technology is fantastic, and you should learn about it as well.



Ragib Shahariar Ayon

I belive AI fused with Blockchain and IoT will change the world.